Potential order for four An-38-200s according to NAPO (400 words)
Vladimir Andreychikov, Head of Marketing of NAPO, has been reported in local media as saying that Vietnam is showing interest in acquiring An-38's produced at the Novosibirsk based plant.
The plant is reported to have been visited by “several" Vietnamese delegations and negotiations are currently underway regarding the potential delivery of one An-38 powered by Honeywell TPE331-14GR-801E in the short term on financial lease. If the aircraft proves itself in operations according to NAPO, then Vietnam has expressed the desire to acquire four additional aircraft, although according to the sources powered by TVD-20 engines and designated An-38-200s. The aircraft are planned to be leased to Vietnam by OOO Siberian Aircraft - Antonov, lease company organised on the 21st September 2001 by NAPO and ANTK Antonov.
According to sources within NAPO, the reason for the Vietnamese interest is probably the wet leasing of two An-38-100s by Khabarovsk-based Vostok Airlines to a Malaysian resort over the last two years, to provided air transport to the remote location on the coast of Sarawak.
NAPO also says that some of the aircraft's problems with the other An-38 operator Alrosa, centring on the supply of spare parts have now been largely resolved. Sources within the factory privately attribute the problems at Alrosa to the airline's management's poor operational management of the aircraft resulting in significant requirements for repair and maintenance.
If as reports suggest, NAPO plan to sell the Vietnamese the An-38-200, the aircraft still has to be certified. The first flight of the -200, which lasted 40 minutes went successfully on the 11th December 2001. The certification process is scheduled to take a year. A year that NAPO believes will give the Vietnamese the opportunity to fully evaluate the aircraft. It is however, curious that the Vietnamese will evaluate an aircraft powered by a power plant different to the aircraft that they might order.
The TVD-20, while offering a similar performance in terms of range and consumption to the US engine, has larger nacelles, with a commensurate impact on the aircraft's aerodynamics. This and other shortcomings are however, considered to be balanced by the engines significantly cheaper price, reported to be $1m less than the Honeywell engine.
NAPO is continuing to market the An-38-100 and reports that it has recently been demonstrated to Tuva Airlines. In response to the airline expressing interest in leasing three An-38s. NAPO however, realistically point out, that the negotiations are in early stages and the carrier still has to find a lessor for the aircraft if they decided to take them.
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