State owned Kavminvodyavia (KMW) has taken delivery of a second Tu-204, slightly
later than July 2000, which earlier reports suggested was the delivery date.
The company purchased the aircraft from Aviastar, but details of the deal were
not disclosed, but KMW have been reported to be discussing the acquisition of
a third aircraft. It seems the plant, beset with working capital problems, is
having problems meeting schedules, although this year they have delivered
Tu-204s to Krasair, Sirocco/Air Cairo and Sibir in the last couple of months,
the latter funded by a $15m credit from state owned savings bank, Sberbank.
The ongoing schedule of deliveries is at present unclear although the UK's AirRep
were reported to be looking for a delivery earlier than next spring.
The airline is based in the resort centre of Mineralnye Vody in the Stavropol
region and has a fleet of 1 Tu-204, 14 Tu-154 and 5 Tu-134; operating on routes
from Mineralnye Vody, Sochi, Moscow, and Stavropol.