OAO Proton-Perm Motors is in the process of placing 1m bonds with a par value
of 100 rubles, a floating rate coupon and two year maturity to both institutions
and individuals.
The placement will be completed by the 16th February 2001 according to Vadim
Supnikov of Avia-Trust -Invest, which is underwriting the issue. The Proton-Perm
board agreed the issue in August and the proceeds will be used for working capital
for the Angara launch vehicle programme unfixed coupon income. The placement
of bonds will be completed on February 16, 2000. Proton-Perm Motor primary product
is the production of the first stage of the Proton-M launch vehicle and is owned
by ZAO Perspectiva-Perm Motors, OAO Upravleniye-Perm Motors, Krunichev Center,
Rer Holding Company.